Sean’s Autumn Comfort Dish: Mutton Ragu

June 20th, 2024
A hearty pasta dish that’s made a favourable return to Esther’s Autumn/Winter menu, Sean’s Mutton Ragu has long been a tradition in his home and features in his cookbook My ...
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Esther's Somm's Winter-Warming Vino Selection

July 1st, 2024
Meet Marlon: Esther's New Sommelier  We’re beyond excited to introduce Marlon Noble, our new sommelier at Esther. With a splash of expertise, a dollop of passion, and a generous pour ...
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Esther's Treacle Pudding

July 1st, 2024
Sean’s Ode to Esther In special honour of said mothers, Chef Sean Connolly shares the story and the recipe of his grandma’s Treacle Pudding. A recipe which was passed down ...
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Wonky Fruit: Curious Croppers at Esther

July 1st, 2024
Dine at Esther and you may leave with a special sealed envelope. Inside? Tomato seeds. But these aren’t any old tomato seeds. Enter: Curious Croppers. From small seeds grow great ...
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Whisks At The Ready: Esther's Burnt Basque Cheesecake

July 1st, 2024
We’ve managed to convince Esther's Head Chef, Sean Connolly, to share his secret recipe for one of Auckland’s best Burnt Basque Cheesecakes with us. This golden treat, also know as tarta ...
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On The Hunt For The Treasured Truffle

July 1st, 2024
Lick your lips, we’re going a little truffle crazy at Esther this season. This tasty delicacy is kissing our menus throughout the winter months, so we’re delving a little deeper ...
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Ageing Gracefully: The Unexpected Journey of Retired Dairy Cows into Fine Dining

July 1st, 2024
Under Esther’s hanging artworks of intrigue, diners will come across a new addition to the menu at Esther, Retired Dairy Cow. Now, we appreciate that ‘retired’ doesn’t exactly have a ...
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